2016 - March Blogs
March 11, 2016 By: Luis Manuel Tumialan MD
Spine SurgerySpinal stenosis is a problem commonly seen in Dr. Luis Manuel Tumialán’s patients. This condition is essentially a narrowing of the bone channel along the spinal cord. This narrowing places pressure on the nerves of the spinal cord, which, in turn, results in a number of uncomfortable side effects, including general pain and a weakness or numbness of the legs. Dr. Tumialán offers minimally invasive spine procedures to alleviate back pain and other symptoms of spinal stenosis while minimizing the risks that are typically associated with spinal treatment. We offer minimally invasive treatment for spinal stenosis to our Scottsdale, AZ patients as a way to restore comfort and spinal functions without subjecting them to invasive surgical techniques that require an extensive recovery period.
Contact Us
If you are struggling with pain, weakness, loss of function, or other symptoms of spinal complications, contact Dr. Tumialán's office today.

Spine-Talks Featuring Dr. Tumialán