2015 - November Blogs
November 6, 2015 By: Luis Manuel Tumialan MD
Back PainSpinal cord compression is a term that is used to describe any condition that puts excess pressure on the spinal cord. Compression of the spinal cord may lead to a number of uncomfortable side effects, all of which may limit a person’s physical capabilities and decrease their quality of life. When non-surgical treatment fails to offer relief to patients suffering from spinal compression, Dr. Luis Manuel Tumialán can offer minimally invasive spine procedures that address back problems and help patients lead a more active and comfortable life. To learn more about spinal decompression, contact our Scottsdale, AZ practice today.
Contact Us
If you are struggling with pain, weakness, loss of function, or other symptoms of spinal complications, contact Dr. Tumialán's office today.

Spine-Talks Featuring Dr. Tumialán